Tuesday, March 23, 2010

It's A...

GIRL!! Yep, that's right :) We found out on March 11th that our world is about to be overwhelmed with a lot of pink and we couldn't be more excited!

After going back and forth for a few days (because of me), we decided on the name Amoriyah Renee. Her first name means "Yahweh has spoken" and her middle name is Brandon's mom's first name.

We originally found the name Moriah in a Hebrew name book and really liked it. But, then we found it spelled Moriyah, which we liked better, but it changed the meaning of it and we didn't really care for the new meaning. Then, we found Amariah in another book and, after talking with our friend Nathan, discovered we could change the spelling to Amoriyah without sacrificing the meaning. So...that's how we came up with our baby girl's name!

Here's a few new pictures: new ones of Amoriyah and a new belly picture, even though I'm not sure you can tell much of a difference from the last belly picture:( But, the Dr. said she's growing and developing right on track!

21 weeks


  1. I LOVE the name!! Very beautiful!! And I am also starting to understand how people can be pregnant and no one around them has a clue until the baby pops out. There is no difference in your belly from the first picture to this last one...You are one of the lucky ones my friend :))

  2. Hope all is well!! Congrats !! I actually named my daughter Amoriyah same spelling. I've never met anyone with same spelling of the name. My daughter was also born that same year. We had also found her name in a book spelled Amariah. Fell in love with the meaning. The reason we changed the spelling was because the first four letters of Amoriyah means love in Spanish. I always wondered if someone out there had same name same spelling.:)
